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Sobota 28. prosince 2024  |  Svátek má Bohumila
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The Revenge of the Native Americans

The darkest Balck Friday ever!

While Americans were gobbling at their Thanksgiving feast eating roast turkeys which lived a poor life, with little space, eating modified rubbish and didn´t have much sunshine, the Native Americans were getting ready for war! On Thanksgiving, at night at bright moon, they were dancing around a huge bonfire, drugged by their potions for the purpose to awake the dead Indians and recruit an army! The next day at sunrise, both living and dead Indians together attacked all white non-native Americans, killing them with their axes and arrows, scalping their heads. American citizens ran for their lives, screaming and begging for mercy. In vain. The African Americans alias Niggers joined the army. The American Army shot every missile at the Indians but weren´t able to hit them, in fact they didn´t know how to use any weapon, so their defense ended as a complete failure. The Native Americans successfully occupied the whole country, even the White House, captured the president, tied him to a bonfire and celebrated their victory by burning and dancing around him. This is how the Americans, Native and non-native, celebrated the darkest Black Friday ever. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving feast and I wish you a Happy Black Friday!       

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